Before you shout out "Offical front!", do your homework first. There was MASSIVE editing done to the front, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. Since this is a Special Edition, I decided to make the back simple.
Special thanks to Al for the ama-za-zing template. There is a 300dpi version which I will post soon.
I like what you did with the back, it looks great, i'm sure somebody is going to copy you later on today or tomorrow, if not then...then soon :p. the box looks great of course. One thing though. that quote says "The smooth transition from PC to 360 makes this the best crysis experience yet", if that's the case, wouldn't it be the exact same :D
#14, Never got it, unless you can show me a screen grab on your sent pm's...I don't remember getting one from you. You can always pm again...I just require that peeps pm so that I know they're serious. :D
Before you shout out "Offical front!", do your homework first. There was MASSIVE editing done to the front, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. Since this is a Special Edition, I decided to make the back simple.
Special thanks to Al for the ama-za-zing template. There is a 300dpi version which I will post soon.
Enjoy! (:
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Ahh...I was waiting for you to post this. It looks excellent, and it's the first box of many on Al's template! :]
Get on MSN. Nao.
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Front isn't anything new, though it is cool. The back is really cool and extremely original.
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This is amazing, wow.
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I like what you did with the back, it looks great, i'm sure somebody is going to copy you later on today or tomorrow, if not then...then soon :p. the box looks great of course. One thing though. that quote says "The smooth transition from PC to 360 makes this the best crysis experience yet", if that's the case, wouldn't it be the exact same :D
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I love it! Awsome
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*Just married*
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#3, I still got first use when I updated my persona 3 fes box this morning, phew. lol
And Dan, this is excellent! I knew I could count on you to do the temp justice. ;)
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#13, Hey, hey, hey! I PMed you about that dang thing and you never answered back... >_>
Jerkwad. :P
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#14, Never got it, unless you can show me a screen grab on your sent pm's...I don't remember getting one from you. You can always pm again...I just require that peeps pm so that I know they're serious. :D
Back to teh box.
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*gets the lack of HoF pieces among my boxes*
*dies again*
SUMMARY: Awesome.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Haha thanks guys (:
#9, I'm terrible at quotes =P
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Yay HoF!!
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You are my hero... *not creepy at all*
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Although I think the front lacks orginality, the back makes up for it brilliantly. Fantastic.
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Great back,i love it
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can you add it in printable please
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Crytek comes from...
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