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VideoNow - Pitchmen: Vol. 1 box art cover
By avatar johnbronze 13 on July 3rd, 2009

comments VideoNow - Pitchmen: Vol. 1 Box Cover Comments

Comment on johnbronze's VideoNow - Pitchmen: Vol. 1 Box Art / Cover.

johnbronze 13 [ 1 decade ago ]

I was devastated when the news of Billy’s death came, as were most of you. I wanted to make a sort of tribute, but didn’t know where to turn. The only media he has been in really is television, so I decided to make a Pitch-Men DVD, but it had already been done and I stink at making DVDs and Blu-Rays anyway. I was cleaning out my room a few days later when I discovered a first gen. VideoNow PVD case. I manually reconstructed the template of a “3-disc pack”, tried my best to maintain a vaguely official look while completing the boxart, and voila! Volume 1 of 4 (12 episodes in first season, I won’t make the other 3 volumes) of the first season of Pitch-Men. I am so proud of myself, both for completing this all in one day and presenting the first Video-Now box on this site. Hope you like it.
Google.com – various pictures and textures.
Me - The template, and everything else. Yet another limited resources box by johnbronze, woot.

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Sentry 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

I think I'll check this out On Demand sometime.


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YamiGekusu 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

Dude, that's freaking awesome

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Reza 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

JB, this is really good man, very official looking. I have to say you've done this very well considering the subject of the boxart. For some reason, though, it displays an error message when i try to look at it full view (probably my shithouse work computer!)

I like it, good work JB. Very unique and very origional.

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johnbronze 13 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, Well, it is a big picture, so i wouldn't be surprised if someone couldn't view it right away. Anyway, thanks for all of the positive comments, i like to know that i am improving!

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a-beast-of-art 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

Really nice!

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HalfSwiss 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Holy crap, I remember these.

Awesome job.

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stevencho 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

I am going to fav this because it looks like you put a lot of effort into this.

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Mariolee 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Though nostalgia(of Videonow), grief(towards Billy May's death), and appreciation(towards how much work you put into this) this isn't that good of a box.
From far away, it's good, but upon further inspection, the template is too basic ( like there's not that good of shading) though that may be because of the program you're using.
The logos are a little blurry. And the Discovery logo is incorrect, you should've used the new one.
The text is too plain, though that may be the style of the boxes (haven't seen one in years).

But good job.

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johnbronze 13 [ 1 decade ago ]

#9, I understand what you are saying, being a "limited resources box" (as i call such things), I had little to work with & to base this box off of other than close observation of a box i had laying around. In fact, the VideoNow logos on the box i actually had to render from the original thing because there are absolutely no hi-rez pictures of VideoNow's logo, and hardly any VideoNow pictures at all! I can change the discovery logo if you want, but other than the fact that the box is based off of a modern show, i tried to make the box look as "period accurate" as possible. Back in '03, this was the logo that The Discovery Channel used, so i went ahead and used that to add to the whole nostalgic feel of the thing. The text is plain i admit, but that is actually what a original b&w style VideoNow boxe's back would have looked like, except i just didn't put in all the copyright jibber-jabber & advertisments of Hasbro's own products. Lastly, if the logos weren't a little blurry, they would be all sharp & pixely, that would have just made the box look really bad to me.
Side note: Is there any way i could make the logos both not blurry and not sharp?

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ikhaoticzz 4 [ 1 decade ago ]

nice box.
i broke my VideoNow =P

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