its very stretched and that background makes my eyes burn. also the tagline fonts could have been different. link (add effects to them too.)
if you download some of those, and take my advice. this could be really good. change the spine logo too.
i like the box, i'd have to say 4/5, the bg's are quite stretched, so is the bowser, quite much, and your blue text is sort of hard to read.
around your logo theres white spots from cut outs, and i'm not crazy about the temp
[but i won't let that influence me... ]
its good, just not the best
newest box hope you like it
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It looks ok. 1.5/5 for the effort though.
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#2, Constructive criticism is the rule.
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its very stretched and that background makes my eyes burn. also the tagline fonts could have been different.
link (add effects to them too.)
if you download some of those, and take my advice. this could be really good. change the spine logo too.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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My question is: How will it be compatible on consoles which have 2D graphics when the game is 3D?
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Ignore #5. I didn't look carefully.
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i like the box, i'd have to say 4/5, the bg's are quite stretched, so is the bowser, quite much, and your blue text is sort of hard to read.
around your logo theres white spots from cut outs, and i'm not crazy about the temp
[but i won't let that influence me... ]
its good, just not the best
[ Reply ]