game Xbox 360 » Call Of Duty 8 Box Cover
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Call Of Duty 8 box art cover
By avatar Knarrenheinz 19 on January 8th, 2011
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comments Call Of Duty 8 Box Cover Comments

Comment on Knarrenheinz's Call Of Duty 8 Box Art / Cover.

Eggboy'13 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Autobots! Roll out!

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

#1, ???

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Sslaxx 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Transformers reference.

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3, yeah, i know... but this is CoD!! So ?????

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Daemon 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, Well your subtitle is "More than Meets the Eye", which is from Transformers.

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

#5, sorry I did not mind ;D

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E-FlowGFX 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

So we have a Soldier killing a mummy

Not very "call of duty"-like

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

#7, call it "lack of concept" XD it sure isgetting funny if you do :P

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

#8, your phrase, "lack of concept"
every time you earn a €?

stop repeating yourself coward!

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

#7, thats what it should be! NOT call of duty like...
only a vision ... just like thousands of others who publish their thoughts. or is the page about

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

looks to me like the cover to the Unknown Soldier comic series but edited.

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marvel 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

wow looks like "ghost" rumor related , very inspiring cover indeed !
+1 Fav

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

#9, at least I earn my money by doing something. well, and I prefer being a coward than being a douchebag - at least when I am using your perception of "being a coward".

#11, they upload their thoughts, indeed, but they put more thought into their work than you.

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

#14, Hooray Mr. Bla Bla!

Take a Look at #13... My thoughts may not be as bad as you could describe it. go on douchebag² and do SOMETHING! but don't break your wrist ;D

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

look at #11 - you are taking #13 just as poor excuse, because you lack the skill of coming up with some good argument. you even have to take my words, because you cannot come up with something. but you cannot spell "no argument" without the word "argument", right?

PLUS: put more WORK into your stuff. So called "packages" with thrown together images and "wannabe logos" should be posted in the forums. congratulations on finding the effects, magic wand tool, etc. but you SHOULD improve.

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

Es kann dir einfach nur SCHEISSEGAL sein, was ich mache! Oder bist du hier der Oberaufseher? Meine Herren, hast echt nix besseres zu tun. Und komm jetzt nicht wieder mit deiner "nicht alles in Deutsch schreiben" Scheisse...würde nur die Oberaufseher-Titulierung bestätigen. Mann was gibt es für Honks da draußen. Schau mal deine Boxen im Vergleich zu den wirklich dicken Sachen an (z.B. Eggboy'13, Ladykiller, MARKER, Mad Spike usw.) ...da kackst du aber mal sowas von ab. Deine Interpretation von "Super Mario World" is ja auch nur noch abgedroschen. Mario fusioniert mit dem Terminator?? Aber anderen zu wenig Inspiration vorwerfen...

Herr, schmeiß Hirn vom Himmel!

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

jealous... very, VERY jealous.

yeah and the mario one got not much inspiration... it's just a different take on the "perseverative" mario look... but it got a working concept and is completely selfmade. plus: I did remove a shitload of my works, so it's just obvious I cannot compete with Marker or Ladykiller on this one.

I am also not the supervisor here, I am using the page the way it was meant to be used -> I am giving you comments with feedback. As for writing just in German: You can do it, but I advide you to NOT do it, because you will get mail from the admins/mods about that sooner or later.


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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

BTW: Lack of concept is rather different from lack of inspiration.

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

#18, "I did remove a shitload of my works, so it's just obvious I cannot compete with Marker or Ladykiller on this one"

- soviel zum Thema Ausreden! lol...wie gesagt, im Vergleich dazu sind deine Boxen einfach nur purer Durchschnitt! Allein deine Aussage zu Luigi Mansion "Viel Spaß beim Grübel wie ich DAS wieder geschafft habe..." zeugt nur von einem >>> POSER!!!

Und wenn dann schreib wenigstens "GrübelN" ja! Und jetzt...sprich mit deiner Hand ok?

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

#20, I have prove for that one, so its no excuse. And you never made a typo, right? I do see a lot.

Anyways, I can accept your point of view on "my works being basic", but can you accept not everyone going "HELL YEAH YOU ARE THE BEST"? I doubt...

Get used on how the site is working. Nobody want's to harm you, so you don't have to freak out on critiques. We can discuss comments (even though people don#t like it), but going "fuck you" is not going to work very long...

And I rather prefer being a poser than being a complete "imune to comments" jerk

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

pardon... proof!

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Knarrenheinz 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

alle meine bisherigen boxen sind mit einer uralten version vom picture publisher gemacht! manche haben halt eben nicht das geld sich einen anständigen PC und ein dazugehöriges professionelles fotobearbeitungsprogramm zu kaufen... OBWOHL sie vollzeit in die arbeit rennen. so ist es nunmal, daher werden meine zukünftigen boxen auch keine sonderlich annehmbare qualität erreichen. aber ich komme mir hier dauernd vor, als würde ich die beschissensten boxen von allen reinstellen. ich hasche weder nach favs, noch bin ich nicht kritikfähig. das sind alles unterstellungen. ich will hier eben einfach auch meine fantasie ausleben, wie es jeder tut. das ist fakt. punkt

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lowalk 21 [ 1 decade ago ]

#12, indeed it is link

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

#23, it doesn't matter what pc you are using, nor does it matter what tool you are using. it's just a mater of fact you get critique with stuff about what can be improved. That's no reason to start a drama.

To live out your fantasy is good, but the page is called VGBOXART, so it's just obvious you get comments about what should be done with a boxart. It's not about complete free art, it's about BOXARTS!

And yes, you are imune to critique, because all you can do is telling the reviewer(s) to fuck off. You don't even try to improve. The only thing you seem to be good at is yelling at people and implying certain stuff. Show at least some more will of improving or get off the site!

I recommend some DA-Account, because that's for free art, free from any aspect of real stuff (like BOXARTS).

I also never said you make the worst packages on the site, but you have to get down from your fucking high horse, because your "fuck off" replies to a almost positive critique as you did on your "Revenge of the Oppressed" one is OFF.

Besides: I am working FULLTIME - so stop trying to tell me about that. And if you don't have the money to buy photoshop, you still can download gimp or other, very similar and good tools for free! PLUS: it doesn't hurt to say you are limited in making such stuff EARLIER!

That said I can repeat just once more: It's not complete crap, after all you are not the worst at rendering and some other stuff, but you can clearly say there's a lack of a real concept. If you take your time and put some more work into it, rather than uploading a box a day, you can make way better ones.

OH! And it's "Fotobearbeitungsprogramm" (substantive), "Qualität" (substantive), etc. If you c omplain about typos at my comments, make sure you don't make ' em on your own!

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

#24, thanks for the conformation, love you.

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E-FlowGFX 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

#11, Ummm who thinks about mummies when playing call of duty

and the box has a MGS style to it so its not very convincing

Don't make a box typical but make it official looking

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