#4, I specifically chose the fonts to match the two different albums. On certain versions of DSotM, there is a small circle with album information, and the font I used on the front is very similar to it. On The Wall, I'm using the exact same font that is used to write "Pink Floyd."
It's recognizable as Pink Floyd, of course, but I'm not finding much appeal in it, myself. More could have been done to combine the different elements of each album, rather than simply one for the front and for the back.
I'm really happy with how this turned out. The bricks on the back were done using the square tool in Paint.Net.
Credit to Jevangod for the template.
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Nice one, it does the job well and it still remains simple, I like that.
definitely worth a fave from me ;)
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Interesting take on a Pink Floyd cover, combining the two images that most people seem to identify with Pink Floyd. Good Job, Slimd.
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Not too bad but I think that the font choice could be different.
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#4, I specifically chose the fonts to match the two different albums. On certain versions of DSotM, there is a small circle with album information, and the font I used on the front is very similar to it. On The Wall, I'm using the exact same font that is used to write "Pink Floyd."
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Hmmm..honestly, I do not find this attractive. It's very simple and "generic" I think you had a good idea but you could have executed it better.
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It's recognizable as Pink Floyd, of course, but I'm not finding much appeal in it, myself. More could have been done to combine the different elements of each album, rather than simply one for the front and for the back.
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