movie Movies » House M.D.: The Gifted Man Box Cover
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House M.D.: The Gifted Man box art cover
By avatar ElCartel55 1 on December 4th, 2011
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comments House M.D.: The Gifted Man Box Cover Comments

Comment on ElCartel55's House M.D.: The Gifted Man Box Art / Cover.

ElCartel55 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

My latest box. Credits to jevangod for the blu-ray template. Comment please!

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RAiDeN-209 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

I like the idea, but the faces on the front don't match up well.

What program do you use to make boxes?

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0utcast 36 [ 1 decade ago ]

The front would be fine if the images actually lined up... The back, little of the text actually stands out and is easily read. Also whats up with the random bits of white around text at bottom of back cover??

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ElCartel55 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2 for the boxes i downloaded the template from here and made the covers with GIMP. PhotoShop's good but i dont wanna use it.
And #3 the white stuff on the bottom is the rating (PG-13).

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