game Wii U » Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS Box Cover
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Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS box art cover
By avatar billyman31 40 on June 13th, 2013
print No Printable Available

I wanted to make a box for this game after seeing the E3 trailer, but I couldn't decide which console to make it for, so I chose both ;)
I wanted to give the front quite an open feel, whereas on the back I decided to make everything more packed and go with the same style as the back for Brawl.

Credit to Yoshistar for the Wii U template, Jevangod for the 3ds template and Martiniii for the plastic.
All renders were found on the official site.

[ Box updated on June 13th, 2013 ] [ original ]

comments Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS Box Cover Comments

Comment on billyman31's Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS Box Art / Cover.

Spiderpig24 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Great job man, looks fantastic.

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billyman31 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks, do you have any idea why the link for the full view is broken? It's working for the original image but not the updated version.

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Oddmania 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

I can't open it in full view either :/ It's not the first time it doesn't work, maybe it has to do with the size of the picture. Anyway, they both really look great! I like the 3DS cover even better. What have you updated?

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billyman31 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

I just changed the size of the image to see if it was that which was stopping it from being opened in full, but now I cannot see the update in full view but can see the original :/

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Martiniii332 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Though I wish you created a style unlike Brawl's for the back, you did a great job with it, as well as the rest of the box. Good job.

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artur 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

so good

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afifan000 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

You have become a ridiculously better artist. Great work

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Daemon 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Delete the / between Wii U and 3DS in the URL to view in full size.

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billyman31 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

It worked. Thank you.

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twoxT 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

Nice job. I would decrease the white glow around Mario though.

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CasvalDaikun 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

The screenshots are exactly the same on both version.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Love it, although the placement of kirby on the Wii U front is a bit odd.

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Ronthis the Werewolf 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

Love it, looks really official.

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Bigdrbingo 3 [ 1 decade ago ]

Really well done. Could definitely see the official cover being very similar to this.

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Sarashi 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Ooh, that front is mighty impressive. I'd say that the main tagline needs a bit of work, perhaps changing of the gradient, but it's very good otherwise.

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jevangod 50 [ 1 decade ago ]

One thing I don't like is how you put on the covers "for the 3DS" and "for the Wii U". I mean the template its on explains what system its for.

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billyman31 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

I agree that they are redundant but they are the official logos for the games which is why I used them.

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billyman31 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for the HOF guys! :)

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Martiniii332 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Congrats brutha'.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Side note - You misspelled "Matches" on the back cover of both. You wrote "Maches". Not a big deal, just thought i'd point it out.

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oxol 24 [ 1 decade ago ]

The Kirby in the WiiU front is somewhat strangely placed, and the lack of Kirby on the 3DS cover is even stranger. Still, the overall box is great, so it gets a fav anyway.

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Geordie 4 [ 1 decade ago ]

awesome. and its Matches not Maches. And its supposed to be Wii fit trainer weighs in

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Mariolee 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Really good, you nailed how official it would look. The only quip I would have is that you used Wii U screens for the 3DS box.

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TheSuperBoxart3DS 25 [ 1 decade ago ]

One word: AWESOME!

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MarioBrosFan123 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Great! Except maybe put 3DS gameplay on 3DS back cover?

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poudigne 1 [ 8 years ago ]

No printable version?

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