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Final Fantasy X-2 box art cover
By avatar E_G 39 on April 9th, 2007
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comments Final Fantasy X-2 Box Cover Comments

Comment on E_G's Final Fantasy X-2 Box Art / Cover.

sockeymeow 25 [ 1 decade ago ]

awesome box love the temp as well

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Pikachu 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

HAWT! 5/5

As an obsessed FF nerd, this gives me a boner.

Now back to your regularly scheduled comments.

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, you ruin everything i like.

this is such a nice box! i really like that art; its from teh soundtrack right? i just couldn't find a good quality one.
there are two things:
i think you shouldve moved the back picture of shuyin and lenne to the right so they would fit well in the space between the edge of the box and the screens.
also the front image seems a bit darker and discolored (mainly the skin tones look off)

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

btw, this looks pretty gunslinger-influenced to me ;)

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Pikachu 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, sorry. Chill, Gramps.

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CruSadEr 10 [ 1 decade ago ]

My God this is amazing.

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Ratchetcomand 8 [ 1 decade ago ]

WOW O_O this is amazing 5/5 .

P.S Give credit to Crayon Man for his temp .

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E_G 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4 Yes I admit Gunslinger influenced the set-up of the box and the background, I'm sure he won't mind but let's face it; we all influence each other on this site. Now copying is something I don't do.
#7, I made the template myself, I'm proud.
Thanks for all the comments.

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#7, im not so sure it is his... is it?
i want it.

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shadysaiyan 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

very cool, love the cover looks very very official.

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Hated 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Wow this is really nice... 5/5

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lord_arcanus 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

this is awesome, i was planning on buying the game (along with the original) the other day. is it any good, or is it a waste of time?


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Maybe Tomorrow 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

Ba da bah buh BAAAAAH!
I'm lovin it.

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lord_arcanus 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

i love this. but the chick on the back does not look like yuna one bit. (she is yuna, right?)

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#14, well if she doesn't look like her one bit then she probably isn't...
the original is better, but this one is also fun, be sure to play x first---its a direct sequel.

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lord_arcanus 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#15 then why is she with tidus? (i think that's him)

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Ratchetcomand 8 [ 1 decade ago ]

#8, You made the template ? Do you think you can post in the fourms when you have the time ? Sorry for going off topic .

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#16, just... play the game...
i said their names in comment #3

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lord_arcanus 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#18 ok then, sorry for going off topic.

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#19, technically, its on topic. :)

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E_G 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

I passionately hate Final Fantasy X-2, it takes all the things I loved about the first game and ravishes them. However it was a fun box to make, thanks for the comments.

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#21, lol. yeah if you think about it, its extremely cheesy, full of BS, and downright ghey.
but ffx as a whole is goofy to begin with.

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Dustawind 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

I love concept art so I LOVE this box, only thing I don't like is how fron is concept art and back is graphics, but it still is 5/5

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WickedGamer1 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

in the words of the men of gears of war: NICE!

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lord_arcanus 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#24, LOL.

in the words of augustus cole: whoo yeah baby, this mah kinda shit!

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Mad Spike 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Not bad

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SlimboyFat 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

luv in a box- perfection, 5/5

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MF29 35 [ 1 decade ago ]


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