game PlayStation 4 » The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Box Cover
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt box art cover
By avatar Bastart 49 on May 23rd, 2015
print No Printable Available

Credits to Scorpion Soldier for the ps4 template and eggboy'13 for the spine plastic.

[ Box updated on June 4th, 2015 ] [ original ]

comments The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Box Cover Comments

Comment on Bastart's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Box Art / Cover.

Huegh 43 [ 9 years ago ]

It bugs me how off center the whole front is, but besides that its fab

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Paper 41 [ 9 years ago ]

Yeah i've gotta admit that thats bugging me abit too but beside from that the design is really solid and professional looking, nice job =)

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

@Paper/Huegh You guys are right, I didn't noticed it after making the render though :/

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

@Bastart I've centered the image/logo on the front now.

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DARK SPARK 44 [ 9 years ago ]

You Can Be Better, But I Like It Overally. Fav

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

Yeah, I agree. it's not that exciting, I just wanted to make something again.

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aminhajizadeh 1 [ 9 years ago ]

Good Job Man

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MMG 25 [ 9 years ago ]

Are you alive ????

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

Thank you

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deiviuxs 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Overall a very solid box but few things do 'bother' me. Like other mentioned, front being off-centered and that griffin looking more like a space filler. Few smalls grammar things on the back (no description).
But overall, good box. Hi-res material always a plus in my book. :)


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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

I actually didn't pay any attention to the words i typed, so i wasn't surprised i spelled things wrong. The only really Hi-res image i could find was the image that most on VGBA used for their front of the box. I thought adding something would change things up a bit, but I guess you're right, eventually it's just a space filler.

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Martiniii332 49 [ 9 years ago ]

basic but nice. i dig

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

basic is an understatement. a bit boring, might be the better word ;)

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

I agree with Huegh and Paper but overall pretty nice man

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]


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AgentLampshade 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Something about that Geralt render bugs me, it looks like an action figure. I've always loved your back covers though.

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks for the kind words.

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ajay. 47 [ 8 years ago ]

nice work i think this is deserve hof imo

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WANDERLEI SILVA 27 [ 8 years ago ]

if it's not hard for you. Please download the template. I really need it

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

Congrats man, well deserved

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Martiniii332 49 [ 8 years ago ]

Congrats Bastart!

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Moebius 39 [ 7 years ago ]

Great job

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