movie Movies » Ulysse 31 Box Cover
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Ulysse 31 box art cover
By avatar Ulquiorra 50 on September 7th, 2015
print No Printable Available

Hi guys! I recently re-discovered Ulysse 31 and it was damn good. So I made this box and I have to thank HyperBoy Prime, GameRoomProductions, Higashi89 and FrankBedbroken for their help on the wip section.
–BTW- You may wonder why it’s “Ulysse” and not UlysseS”, it’s just because it doesn’t take an S in French, I don’t know why it does in English °-°
So I hope you’ll enjoy it and don’t hesitate to leave any criticism or com’!

-edit- I submited the front's drawing here: link if you're interrested.

comments Ulysse 31 Box Cover Comments

Comment on Ulquiorra's Ulysse 31 Box Art / Cover.

Mohit 43 [ 8 years ago ]

very nice color always

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 8 years ago ]

That front is absolutely fantastic, really great job on this :)

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

Looks great dude! love the colours, the front is amazing.

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 8 years ago ]

All of my yes. This looks freaking great.

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Paper 41 [ 8 years ago ]

Ahh yea this looks awesome, good job ulquiorra! =)

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 8 years ago ]

Thanks a lot guys !!

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robin1994 39 [ 8 years ago ]

Awesome work man like always

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 8 years ago ]


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LMDE31 2 [ 8 years ago ]

Awesome work man
people go watch the anime
old school but awesome

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 8 years ago ]

old school but awesome? I'd rather say "awesome because oldschool".
Thanks for the kind words man.

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Martiniii332 49 [ 8 years ago ]

j'aimerais pouvoir dessiner comme ça

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 8 years ago ]

En y consacrant le temps nécessaire, mon niveau est loin d'être difficile à rattraper^^

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KellevraS 38 [ 8 years ago ]

nice work dude

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 8 years ago ]


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