game PlayStation 4 » Batman Arkham VR Box Cover
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Batman Arkham VR box art cover
By avatar Wolfenstein The Old 40 on March 19th, 2018
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[ Box updated on March 19th, 2018 ] [ original ]

comments Batman Arkham VR Box Cover Comments

Comment on Wolfenstein The Old's Batman Arkham VR Box Art / Cover.

Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

something like this.enjoy.though ...???

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

I like the overall structure and layout with this. However any white colour from text & logos gets lost over the lighter parts of the background/pattern, worth a fav if it's fixed.

Also the "Playstation Exclusive" text on the back is quite large. Maybe make this smaller?

Nice to see you putting more time, effort and experimentation into your design! Keep it up

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

I want to experiment to change the color scheme of the background and keep the template and logos as before, although I like when everything looks like a whole the text on my back is big because I wanted to emphasize the exclusivity....

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

I did not like my experiment. so I decided to leave it as it was. just made it so that the text did not lost over..

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

All of my criticisms on your previous box, can be applied here. Except, in this case, the clouds are overbearing, and not splatters. Why is Batman in a baby blue sky, anyway? This is a bad color scheme for this game. I also think the template that you used is awful, the bar takes up way too much space. link here is a much better one.

Overall, I don't know what else I can say, because it just looks so similar to your previous works. Your repetition of filters, brushes, and monotone designs hold your work back so much.

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

i agree..

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

PS:I made the template myself and it is the best of the best templates for vr games...

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@Wolfenstein The Old You made the template, how, exactly? Because it looks identical to the official as far as I can tell. What I was saying is that the way you utilized this template makes it seem as though it takes up more space then it needs too. The back is the prefect example of this. Why is it necessary to have the "Playstation Exclusive", so god damn big? I don't think it needs to be there at all.

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@Sonic the Hedgehog i agree..

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

PS:I am tired of you. your brains are chicken. it looks like you are moron.please do me a favor go shoot yourself in the head..

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DZC7M0J3XA 1 [ 6 years ago ]

this my grandchild, very very grandchild

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