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2Pac Live box art cover
By avatar Wolfenstein The Old 40 on December 9th, 2018

comments 2Pac Live Cover Comments

Comment on Wolfenstein The Old's 2Pac Live Cover.

Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 5 years ago ]

I am glad to present you my first commercial project in which I have already earned 70 dollars I did this specifically for I was asked to make a simple portrait maybe it doesn’t look very nice but when it is applied to some object, it looks much better.if you like it you can order this one here link or just join us and share your creations

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 5 years ago ]


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BenBrownDesign 42 [ 5 years ago ]

Fucking disgusting. Whomever paid you $70 for this is obviously fucking blind and retarded.

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