Needed to make a printable Okami cover since it's out in a couple of days (in US anyway). There's been quite a few already, so my idea was based on the oriental paper puppet theme (without the sticks ;)) so it's a lot of cut-outs with drop-shadows.
Anyway.. hope you like... and as per usual, best (?) in full-view and printable available at the usual place when I up it ;)
Lol, I think it's safe to say I've started a trend. XD
But I really love this how different this one is. You've definitely shone a new light on the style of Okami, and It sure works. ^_- Awesome job, MARKER!
#24, glad you like the sword going in from back to front... it was one of the first things I did!
BTW... just in case anyone wants to see what the printable looks like inside a DVD box, here's a photo of one I printed out and put inside a white dvd case earlier...
#26, damn, you have a nice printer... oh look! It's a nice box too! I'm making an okami box right now, and this popped up on google :P but yeah, I really love how even though everything is busy, it still works with itself. The only thing I don't like is the screen border. It doesn't really fit the artwork, but it's hardly noticable.
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Two absolutely brilliant boxes in like one minute...
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Needed to make a printable Okami cover since it's out in a couple of days (in US anyway). There's been quite a few already, so my idea was based on the oriental paper puppet theme (without the sticks ;)) so it's a lot of cut-outs with drop-shadows.
Anyway.. hope you like... and as per usual, best (?) in full-view and printable available at the usual place when I up it ;)
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holy f**k i f*****g f****d a f**k
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WOOOOOWWWWW!!!! Auto fav!
Cute!!! The lil Amaterasu is so CUTE!!!
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Lol, I think it's safe to say I've started a trend. XD
But I really love this how different this one is. You've definitely shone a new light on the style of Okami, and It sure works. ^_- Awesome job, MARKER!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Holy Ze Crap O____________________O
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That's more like it. I was starting to become worried that you had drifted into a rut. ;)
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this makes me dizzy
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Thanks guys/gals...
***ADDED 300dpi Printable Cover*** too ;)
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Love it. I'm glad you've broken out of your 'generic chains'.
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#7, screw you:P MARKER, what more can I say? fav
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wow... 5/5 +fav
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You just pwned all other Okami boxes on the site. >____>
Edited at 1 decade ago
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nice,but gosh!this is exactly what i was talkin about....
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Do want okami toy.....
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Hoorah, another ownsome Marker box to fave.
This really is one of the best boxes I have EVER seen. Its so kickass.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Awesomeness. Great job, m8. :)
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-sigh- ... you just ruined yet another of my boxes.
Thanks marker >.>'
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Oh Mon Dieu ! Oh My God ! Oh Mein Gott ! Oh Mi Dios !
Edited at 1 decade ago
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lol wut. since everyone is pimping out okami box i'd better pimp one too.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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wooooooooooow! great job
i love the knife thingy!!
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This is Fantastic!!! xD +fav
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thanks everyone! ;)
#24, glad you like the sword going in from back to front... it was one of the first things I did!
BTW... just in case anyone wants to see what the printable looks like inside a DVD box, here's a photo of one I printed out and put inside a white dvd case earlier...
Sword looks better like that ;)
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#26, damn, you have a nice printer... oh look! It's a nice box too! I'm making an okami box right now, and this popped up on google :P but yeah, I really love how even though everything is busy, it still works with itself. The only thing I don't like is the screen border. It doesn't really fit the artwork, but it's hardly noticable.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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