First off, a big thank you to dmshaposv for providing me with the MGS 4 wallpaper. Secondly, credit to Sens for the great template. ^^d
This box first started out as a custom MGS 4 wallpaper for myself but it quickly grew into my latest box art. Outside of the composition, I think the toughest part was rendering each character and doing some minor color corrections.
As always, your crits and comments are welcomed. Enjoy.
I Feel with a little bit of polishing around the corners (not literally) and cleaner images of Raiden and Liquid Ocelot ( they don't look like they fit like Snake) and some slight adjusting in the description and your fine
First off, a big thank you to dmshaposv for providing me with the MGS 4 wallpaper. Secondly, credit to Sens for the great template. ^^d
This box first started out as a custom MGS 4 wallpaper for myself but it quickly grew into my latest box art. Outside of the composition, I think the toughest part was rendering each character and doing some minor color corrections.
As always, your crits and comments are welcomed. Enjoy.
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Someone help me find my eyeballs.
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Yeah it's fantastic, you really got the right feel of the game, it reflects the early areas of the game and some of the more futuristic parts.
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Amazing, it is better than the official box
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5/ i need to say more?
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I think I love this more than the official one. Nice job ! - faved !
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I can never get my boxes this pin sharp :(
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xIAHx was right. This box > me.
Lol, jk. But it's still amazing!
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seriosly this box is like my new faviorte one of all time.
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wow looks awsome very awsome + favv
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*pokes* hehe!
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This box is better than me.
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This box is better than the planet in which it was created in.
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*HoF* Nothing but net :)
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Please, please, oh dear god, PLEASE make a printable so that I can replace the crappy official cover!!
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Oh shit son!
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Wow, that was fast.
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Oh my god...
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I got nothing to say except that this is to most amazing thing ever.
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Excellent box mate..
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This is about 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times better than the official.
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*brain implodes*
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#24, *sighs* you have to be more accurate with it. put on 2 more zeroes :D
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cant ask for nothing more than this absolutely fantastic.
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#4, pretty much everything is. :P
This is OMG.
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The front is ZOMGZFRIGGINAWESOMEZ enough for me to fave, but the back reminds me too much of your CoD4 box.
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Thanks for all of the comments and favs. ELC, the back looks nothing like my CoD4 box. O_o
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I HATE PS3. i wouldnt buy this product from a bunch of chinks. ughhh, i pass on crap...all the time.
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#30, I think it's the grid pattern =P
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Woah. My eyes have enlarged to the size of Locoroco.
Where, oh where do you get all your resources (i'm a beginner, see.)?
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Hot damn.
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Oh my...
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#32 - =p
#33 - You can find a bunch of resources in this forum: link
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i like this +fav
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I would sell for less in an auction than this box.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Incredible box. But its not really Metal Gear. It just looks like a cliche action game box. But OMG is it good.
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Hey dude is there a way to print this and make it my MGS4 cover this is really good.
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I love it. Above the front. Good job.
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I Feel with a little bit of polishing around the corners (not literally) and cleaner images of Raiden and Liquid Ocelot ( they don't look like they fit like Snake) and some slight adjusting in the description and your fine
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I like this far more than the official cover.
I'm printing it out and replacing the original with this one. Pronto.
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