This is a custom box for a game concept I came up with called "The End".
It's a first person survival horror game, with heavy RPG overtones.
The renders are all hand drawn, scanned, colored via Photoshop, and then assembled to make to image you see.
The screenshots are from Left 4 Dead and Land of The Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green.
I'd like to thank everyone who offered me they're feedback on this piece prior to me submitting it, and a special thanks
to GlowBlue for the superb template.
As always with these custom pieces, a lot of time, effort and creative energy went into it, so your comments
and favorites are very appreciated.
Let me take a moment to tell you how refreshing and respectable it is to see someone create their own artwork for a project, and pretty good artwork at that. The front's design is a little lackluster, but it's forgivable.
Minus points for the naked zombie girl on the back, though. Sexuality should never be mixed with zombies.
Hey everyone,
This is a custom box for a game concept I came up with called "The End".
It's a first person survival horror game, with heavy RPG overtones.
The renders are all hand drawn, scanned, colored via Photoshop, and then assembled to make to image you see.
The screenshots are from Left 4 Dead and Land of The Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green.
I'd like to thank everyone who offered me they're feedback on this piece prior to me submitting it, and a special thanks
to GlowBlue for the superb template.
As always with these custom pieces, a lot of time, effort and creative energy went into it, so your comments
and favorites are very appreciated.
Thanks and enjoy!
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Yayums you submitted it :D Awsome
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and i wanted to post a box today =/
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Thank you gentleman. There was a small typography error on V.1, so I fixed it and updated.
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Great job! I love custom made artwork
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This should be HoF in no time. Custom artwork is good, and the box is designed excellently.
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Unbelievably awesome! How have I not added you as an author fav yet? Pardon my oversight. +FAV +AUTHOR FAV
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Hot naked girl zombie FTW!
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sweet box, fav box and author ps, drakxxx ive made a first draft of the Resident Evil 2 ds you made me the logo for, it is in the critiques
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You already know my views on this...
...+fav author
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this is the end.
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Awesome work friend!
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Drawn... wow
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You're an awesome artist and composer. The template is a bit weird, for instance the black lines look really strange on the spine.
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Totally Insane! :) Brilliantly done... guess the temp is a bit weird, but then again, with a kinda cartoony artwork, the box looks it too :)
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Absolutely fantastic. The fact that it's hand drawn blows me away. :D This is a definite HoF. +Fav
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Thanks guys for all your comments and favs!
I actually put the black lines on the template to make the box pop a little more, I can see how it looks a little weird.
#9, lol.
#10, Thanks sir. I posted a message in you WIP thread for your box.
Thanks again guys for all your support.
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Really nice and great drawings. I also like the comic book style template :)
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Freakin' amazing. Loved it the moment you showed it in the group - looks even more impressive now that it's done. Splendid work!
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Only thing that bothers me is the black line between the spine and front. Its a full wrap so it wouldn't have an outline.
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#21 thanks for the fav Trev, I think I might remove the one line you suggested.
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That's awesome, love the style.
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Oh my god, this is what I'm up against?
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you drew all that? wow. i thought i was a great drawer but then i saw nice job. fav!! and author fav!!
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#25 Thank you sir, I'm glad you like it!
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Let me take a moment to tell you how refreshing and respectable it is to see someone create their own artwork for a project, and pretty good artwork at that. The front's design is a little lackluster, but it's forgivable.
Minus points for the naked zombie girl on the back, though. Sexuality should never be mixed with zombies.
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#27 Thank you very much, I appreciate it.
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