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Nintendomination box art cover
By avatar Cerium 43 on January 21st, 2009
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Comment on Cerium's Nintendomination Box Art / Cover.

Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

OMG! A new Satire/Humor box by Cerium?! Some people though it'd never happen.... but its happened! Yeah anyway, just basically a joke on how Nintendo have literally dominated the gaming world this generation. It started off with the name "Ninten(domination)" and then I sorta went from there. This was originally going to be a game for the Wii but I switched it to a DVD case early in development. Please note, this is NOT an attack on the Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Its just a light-hearted joke. I spent ages trying to find the legal info used on the back on DVDs that was suitable for this but I couldn't, so instead I typed it myself and added a bit of humor to it. Anyway please enjoy and view in full! Favs and comments appreciated as usual :)

Credit to KoopaDasher for his awesome Brawl renders (Pikachu, Fox & Link)
Star89er for his awesome Samus render
and Alldreamsfalldown for the DVD logo, Region Logo and Dolby logo used on the back.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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rasengan_boi 35 [ 1 decade ago ]


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crazyjp 33 [ 1 decade ago ]


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GameRoomProductions 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

This will happen. Trust me.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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aC.Sleet 25 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Legend_Chronicles2 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'll fav

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Ervo 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Haha :D

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Dynamic 35 [ 1 decade ago ]

Haha, thats actually quite funny, most humour boxes I don't like tbh, but this one made me giggle a little lol.

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MARKER 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Nice one Betty! :) I didn't think it was a DVD when you shown it me... it looks more like a book... :D but great stuff mate! :)

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XCore 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

One of a kind mate. Good job. Fav+.

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The Missing Link 13 [ 1 decade ago ]

XD Awesome!

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ShadowDialga 25 [ 1 decade ago ]

What program do you use?
13- A raank 9er...on...gimp?
Ok, that's the final straw, Im learning to use it NAO!!!

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#12 Gimp.

Thanks for the favs/comments everyone :)

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Eradication 6 [ 1 decade ago ]


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afifan000 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

Awesome, I love the front!

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shadysaiyan 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

Actually nice, but the wii hasnt dominated the game market, the console sales yes, i wouldnt consider things like wii sports a game.

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Drakxxx 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Hah, wow at Betty's comment. I lol'd real good at this.

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Reza 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

Hahahahahaha, "can we take over the world, yes WII can"! Hahahahahhaahaha!! This is wicked!!! There are sooooo many jokes in this, i love it!! You've just earn't yourself a fav author, nice work!!

EDIT: Curse this faving system, it would be in the hall by now!

Edited at 1 decade ago

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sven.2007 13 [ 1 decade ago ]

haha this is awesome man :D

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Lenny819 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

Oh man everything about this box is awsome.

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hsoldier 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

Lol it made me laugh so a fav i would give ya! + Fav

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nicksnut 3 [ 1 decade ago ]

plz erase the xbox 360 and ps3 from the back, and put a wii and nintendo ds or something there, it fits better ;)
nonetheless, absolute fav

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#22 The point of the Xbox 360 and PS3 is to show their major weaknesses which has helped the Wii dominate the console market. The Xbox 360, as you can see, has the three red rings of death and the PS3 is too expensive and has put alot of people off.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

Lulz.It's true, Nintendo pwns all! lol. great box though ;)

Edited at 1 decade ago

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vgmaster51 1 [ 1 decade ago ]


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niososonic 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

lol. And on how a company taked over the world; Man walks on the moon, The Berlin Wall Falls lol

Edited at 1 decade ago

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TheSuperBoxart3DS 25 [ 1 decade ago ]

I find it strange that Nintendo dominated the 7th generation of video games, but they're sorta failing now.

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TheSuperBoxart3DS 25 [ 1 decade ago ]

In my opinion, the PS4's gonna dominate this generation.

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