This must have been made with Wii Paint, huh? Just kidding, had to say that. This is good for a first box. I suggest you use a better program like GIMP. It's very good and it's easy to learn. Good luck on your next box! =)
#8 You aren't in much position to talk, as the designs you've posted are necessarily up to the quality standards we'd ultimately like to have in our database here as well.
That said, your suggestions on downloading GIMP or and learning how to use them are correct, and will greatly improve the kind of box arts an artist can make.
Thanks for the critique. I have photoshop now, so if I find the time and interest once I'm done both Pokemon cases I have planned, I'll update this.
This is my first box, so please don't be too harsh. Advice welcomed. May change it in the future, who knows. So how is it?
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It's... Okay...
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It looks like you use MS paint use Paint.NET or GIMP if you are
And how can it's published by EA
when it says Nintendo on the front
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Please don't give Nintendo any Idea.
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This must have been made with Wii Paint, huh? Just kidding, had to say that. This is good for a first box. I suggest you use a better program like GIMP. It's very good and it's easy to learn. Good luck on your next box! =)
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I'm kinda wondering what you would do in multiplayer.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Wii Paint. Paint on the wii and the box art made with Paint. Paint Paint Paint.
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*holds back urge to burst out laughing at sight of box* It's an okay first box. Get Paint.NET or GIMP because there's no excuse not to. They're free!
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#8 You aren't in much position to talk, as the designs you've posted are necessarily up to the quality standards we'd ultimately like to have in our database here as well.
That said, your suggestions on downloading GIMP or and learning how to use them are correct, and will greatly improve the kind of box arts an artist can make.
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#9, I was over exaggerating. Thank you for not insulting my boxes though.
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#8, do you purposely go around bumping boxes? ya fooled Drakxxx again!
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Thanks for the critique. I have photoshop now, so if I find the time and interest once I'm done both Pokemon cases I have planned, I'll update this.
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