This is my entry into Enchanter's Different Competition [R1] in high resolution. >:D
The theme of the round was to make a cover for a non-existing prequel to an existing game. The prequel has to be on a platform from last-gen. (i.e. PS2, XBOX etc.) and the existing game has to be from a current-gen. platform (i.e. XBOX360, PS3 etc.)
So for my entry I created a prequel for Blazblue: Calamity Trigger. Blazblue: Susanooh Unit takes place 100 years before the events in Calamity trigger and it explores the back story of Hakumen during the Dark War. The Dark war was briefly explained in BB:CT, so I thought it would make a good choice to base a prequel on.
The box took me around 30+ hours to make and has over 300 layers. link
Nearly all of the box is drawn from scratch including the template and the drawing of Hakumen on the front.
Pardon my language but...FUCK YEAH! This is great box art! But wait..Xbox?! Aww, that means I gotta go buy a used Xbox for this one.
Well, Hakumen is worth it.
This is my entry into Enchanter's Different Competition [R1] in high resolution. >:D
The theme of the round was to make a cover for a non-existing prequel to an existing game. The prequel has to be on a platform from last-gen. (i.e. PS2, XBOX etc.) and the existing game has to be from a current-gen. platform (i.e. XBOX360, PS3 etc.)
So for my entry I created a prequel for Blazblue: Calamity Trigger. Blazblue: Susanooh Unit takes place 100 years before the events in Calamity trigger and it explores the back story of Hakumen during the Dark War. The Dark war was briefly explained in BB:CT, so I thought it would make a good choice to base a prequel on.
The box took me around 30+ hours to make and has over 300 layers. link
Nearly all of the box is drawn from scratch including the template and the drawing of Hakumen on the front.
Hakumen & Blazblue (c) ARKSYS works
Background image (c) Takehiko Inoue
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Dude, this is pretty impressive.
Even more so, because the XBOX has under 300 boxes total made for it.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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This is pretty dude, awesome job!
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It's awesome, great work.
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Pardon my language but...FUCK YEAH! This is great box art! But wait..Xbox?! Aww, that means I gotta go buy a used Xbox for this one.
Well, Hakumen is worth it.
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