Using my own template and recycling a box i scrapped, i was able to make this one, i am tired of making boxes so many people have made, so for the next 8 uploads i do i will be uploading tomb raider boxes.
Front is ok, but the back is pretty bad and could use some improvements. First, there's barely any legal info. I would suggest sticking with regular templates. Second, text is too big. Also, try and experiment more, be creative, don't just use few wallpapers and slap text over them. Add some effects and make it original. Good luck!
#2, Yeah i will be going back to the old template, i have had a headache over the last couple of days which has stopped my creative flow because i can't concentrate right, anyway, back to the point, i will be going back into this, i will start tonight, should have it up by tomorrow.
Using my own template and recycling a box i scrapped, i was able to make this one, i am tired of making boxes so many people have made, so for the next 8 uploads i do i will be uploading tomb raider boxes.
This is the first of 8.
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Front is ok, but the back is pretty bad and could use some improvements. First, there's barely any legal info. I would suggest sticking with regular templates. Second, text is too big. Also, try and experiment more, be creative, don't just use few wallpapers and slap text over them. Add some effects and make it original. Good luck!
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There is a lack of legal info. tho I like the back for me the side is waay to plain. Add something to spice up the side and you have a fav.
I must see the improvements before fav.
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#2, Yeah i will be going back to the old template, i have had a headache over the last couple of days which has stopped my creative flow because i can't concentrate right, anyway, back to the point, i will be going back into this, i will start tonight, should have it up by tomorrow.
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Much better.
Fav earned
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