Final Fantasy, a great and very long running franchise.
This is my newest work, i really enjoyed making this, everything just seemed to fit together on this one.
Template - Indexenos
Front render - Exorcism
Back render - Photobucket via Google Images
Logo - Dester007
Screenshots - Google Images, gamershell & ign.
Square Enix Logo - .png file located on google images
Esrb - Google Images
Glad you didn't use the same old render for the front that everyone usually uses (well, I guess it is on the back).
The fog at Noctis' feet looks a bit odd, maybe lower the opacity a little bit? Besides that the front looks great, as I said before the different image of Noctis is a nice change from most Versus cases. The back looks good too, though a little plain (understandable with the resources available).
#4, it's not connected, it's 4 different meanings, here they are:
Honor: He shows Honor and respect during battles.
Hope: If there is no hope then there is nothing worth fighting for.
Legend: His legend will live on forever.
Warior: He is a warrior for the people.
Four different taglines, four different meanings.
Actually, that is a little confusing, hold on, i'll fix the printable.
EDIT: Printable Fix'd, sorry about that, i wasn't really thinking when i wrote that, hopefully you'll like it a little better now.
Final Fantasy, a great and very long running franchise.
This is my newest work, i really enjoyed making this, everything just seemed to fit together on this one.
Template - Indexenos
Front render - Exorcism
Back render - Photobucket via Google Images
Logo - Dester007
Screenshots - Google Images, gamershell & ign.
Square Enix Logo - .png file located on google images
Esrb - Google Images
Printable is there to see it in 2d.
[ Reply ]
Glad you didn't use the same old render for the front that everyone usually uses (well, I guess it is on the back).
The fog at Noctis' feet looks a bit odd, maybe lower the opacity a little bit? Besides that the front looks great, as I said before the different image of Noctis is a nice change from most Versus cases. The back looks good too, though a little plain (understandable with the resources available).
A good job overall, one of your best.
Edited at 1 decade ago
[ Reply ]
#2, Okay, done.
Printable is fixed, thanks for the assist.
Edited at 1 decade ago
[ Reply ]
The tagline is really bugging me, like its supposed to be connected and make sense, but its not.
I would change that, before my head explodes.
[ Reply ]
#4, it's not connected, it's 4 different meanings, here they are:
Honor: He shows Honor and respect during battles.
Hope: If there is no hope then there is nothing worth fighting for.
Legend: His legend will live on forever.
Warior: He is a warrior for the people.
Four different taglines, four different meanings.
Actually, that is a little confusing, hold on, i'll fix the printable.
EDIT: Printable Fix'd, sorry about that, i wasn't really thinking when i wrote that, hopefully you'll like it a little better now.
Edited at 1 decade ago
[ Reply ]