2. You could be a little more specific! Okay, firstly the text would have to be changed. Not only is it hard to read the logo, but it also just looks wrong. Secondly, be careful of floating-character-model syndrome, which can destroy many boxes. Try to make the individual layers of the cover it together as well as you can. But it's an interesting idea; just experiment more with colour schemes and textures.
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2. You could be a little more specific! Okay, firstly the text would have to be changed. Not only is it hard to read the logo, but it also just looks wrong. Secondly, be careful of floating-character-model syndrome, which can destroy many boxes. Try to make the individual layers of the cover it together as well as you can. But it's an interesting idea; just experiment more with colour schemes and textures.
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Ok thanks. its my first 3D box so i didn't really concentrate on the case but the 3D part of it. Ill try to do better next time
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I think this would look better if you msde the front more colorful because it looks like theres too much red
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The design could use a nice make over, but I can see some potential with practice, and encourage you to keep at it.
Next time, post in the WIP forum before uploading to the site so other artists can give you suggestions on how to improve your work.
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thanks ill try that next time.
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Its A Little Low QUALITY Too Joe
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sorry ill try harder on my next box
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