I've been working on this for a few days now, ever since i learnt how to blend i've been messing about with new options and i really think this came out absolutely brilliantly.
I used a similar style to my last ffxiii box from a few weeks ago with a new style of blending together of wallpapers and effects.
Indexenos - both printable and 3d templates.
Front Design:
The front is molded together through 10 different wallpapers and effects along with some renders.
Back Design:
The back is also 7 wallpapers with some renders and a few effects.
The entire design is composed of over 120+ layers.
Don't really see any noticeable design flaws, but the entire package as a whole is kind of blurry. Also it looks kind of weird seeing Lightning falling above another Lightning on the front, but that's just me. :P
I've been working on this for a few days now, ever since i learnt how to blend i've been messing about with new options and i really think this came out absolutely brilliantly.
I used a similar style to my last ffxiii box from a few weeks ago with a new style of blending together of wallpapers and effects.
Indexenos - both printable and 3d templates.
Front Design:
The front is molded together through 10 different wallpapers and effects along with some renders.
Back Design:
The back is also 7 wallpapers with some renders and a few effects.
The entire design is composed of over 120+ layers.
EDIT: Check the printable for better quality.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Here it is, Version 2.0.
If you want to see the box alone, then check v1, but this is version is bigger and i think i've sorted the quality thing out.
Oh, and i had to take out the reflections, it was 8mb on .png, so i took them out and made it 7.1.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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well, in the front I think you should put the blend part behind of the logo and fix the part XIII
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Don't really see any noticeable design flaws, but the entire package as a whole is kind of blurry. Also it looks kind of weird seeing Lightning falling above another Lightning on the front, but that's just me. :P
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