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Sonic Generations box art cover
By avatar Squall234 44 on June 4th, 2011

[ Box updated on June 21st, 2011 ] [ original ]

comments Sonic Generations Box Cover Comments

Comment on Squall234's Sonic Generations Box Art / Cover.

Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

My first entry in the comp Themes of the Month; Round 1.
Hope you enjoy and goodluck to the other contestents.

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Strike the Wolf 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Holy Shit.

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LaserSonic1029 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'm melting inside.

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Unknown Flames 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

Another amazing box man.

Though I think you should have incorporated Old Sonic on the front.

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Luigi53 32 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, He is on the front, he's in the background. In that loop.

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TheKoopaDasher 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is spectacular.

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Delicious1 36 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is really nice. So simple and clean. Good work.

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aelixus 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Good work! Here is your author fav. =]

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YoshiStar 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

It's beautiful. But I think Old Sonic is too small.

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tmrd 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Why won't you love me Squall, WHYY.

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del337er 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

You are my new favorite artist. This is spectacular.

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#10, I do, just as friends XD
#11, :D You made my day.

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Miszi 2 [ 1 decade ago ]

Wow, really impressed. Really proffesional box right here!!! Great job!!!

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tmrd 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#12, foreveralone.jpg

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Joeseye 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Fantastic - author favourite.

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TheSlyder 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'm offended that you would put modern Sonic in the spotlight on the cover, and the best part of the game, classic Sonic, in the background and almost completely unnoticeable. Otherwise it's got a nice design to it.

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Spiderpig24 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

I do agree that having classic Sonic as the showcase on the front would have been better, but everything else about this is just awesome. It fits the theme well, and I like the organization of the back too

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Manuel_Alejandro95 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

I think you should blur Sonic's foot on the front. Right now it looks like he's standing still on an awkward position.
Nice design, though I agree that the clasic Sonic should also be on the front-in a more noticeable spot.

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Ronthis the Werewolf 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

For some reason I just LOVE that blue blur behind sonic on the front...

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks all and I tried to enquire the classic sonic but the renders didn't work. Also I love that glow too, thats why I added it lol. As the foot, I will fix it if I have anytime.

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#14, Trollface.jpg

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Throavium-Redux 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

I really don't like Essence covers, which has kept me from commenting until now, well done.

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#22, Thanks Throavium =)

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The90sKid 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

I usually don't like Essence boxes but this is an exception, great work.

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shadysaiyan 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

Kinda sexy and i dont even like Sonic.

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks guys =) You all rock!

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'm not a Sonic fan but this is too good to not leave a fav. Great job and congrats and HoF!

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#27, Thanks man =)

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Higashi89 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Can I edit your printable so it can be for Xbox 360?

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#29, Sure lol

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Higashi89 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

#30, Thanks =)

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Squall234 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

#31, NP

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KeybladePenguin 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

First off, love the box design, it really fits in with how you've made the actual cover, and the lighting effects are wonderful.
The front is great, love the feathering, it really gives it a secondary effect rather than just being simple and effective.
The back is fantastic too, a lot of info that has been organised well, it makes it look really compact.
Overall, deserving of the HoF, can't really point out anything wrong with it on the top of my head so great work! :D

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reza_novin 1 [ 1 decade ago ]


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