game PlayStation 3 » Deus Ex: Human Revolution Box Cover
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution box art cover
By avatar Bastart 49 on July 16th, 2011

[ Box updated on July 19th, 2011 ] [ original ]

comments Deus Ex: Human Revolution Box Cover Comments

Comment on Bastart's Deus Ex: Human Revolution Box Art / Cover.

Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

My newest box.

I used this image link for the front (because, I really liked it the most off all the artwork) and used some filters
and blending for a comic feel on the front, to make it different than the official augmented edition of the game.

Credits to 'Sens' for the template.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Wrimm 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Try to consider using normal colored plastic.

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

Whilst I like the design of the box, I don't think the perspective of the 3D looks right.
Still Fav worthy, just sort out the 3D

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Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2 just a matter of taste, i guess?

#3, your right, the mesh on the box looks of, don't really know how to fix it, though?
I can't adjust the angle of the pattern. Thanks for the fave, much appreciated.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Wrimm 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, Yes, it is a matter of personal taste.

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aelixus 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is really good! I love it!

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TwistedTinkerToy 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

I think there's too much text on the back, but other than that this is really nice.

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Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

#6, Wow, Thanks a lot.

It means a lot to get a comment of one of the best box artist of VGBA.
You have one of the greatest portofolio's on the site, I love your work to ;)

#7 I know there is to much text (I couldn't find proper game info that was short,
and also explaining the plot :( and I'm to lazy to come up with some text of my own lol)

I had the same problem with my RE ORC Box,
maybe I have to cut down some of the legal info at the bottom?

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Sir Pringles 26 [ 1 decade ago ]

Beautiful. And personally, I like the text. It looks so... official, so to speak. Almost like some sort of "contract", I guess.

+ fav!

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Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

#9, Well thank you, sir ;)

Small update;

There's a little bit more space,
between the in-game screens and the specs.

* minor re-positioning of the logo's on the front.
* added a small Square Enix logo at the back.
* removed some PSN Network info at the bottom.

I'll think you barely notice the difference, though :/

Edited at 1 decade ago

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