[ Box updated on October 10th, 2011 ] [ original ]
Sonic Adventure Box Cover Comments
Comment on Eggboy'13's Sonic Adventure Box Art / Cover.
[ Box updated on October 10th, 2011 ] [ original ]
Comment on Eggboy'13's Sonic Adventure Box Art / Cover.
I think the image pretty much speaks for itself. ;)
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Pretty interesting!
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Sonic's right hand is somewhat difficult to discern amongst the bright lighting, at least outside of full view, which gives the impression that the design is much emptier than it really is. The front is otherwise nicely done and faithful to the original.
The back is a fairly accurate recreation of the DC original, but in it's case the size restrictions aided in it feeling cohesive and complete as a design. The larger space allowed by the PS3 template makes the same design feel spread out and empty in comparison. I'd try a different font, one that stretches more horizontally and would cover more ground. That could remedy the space issue.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Wow... I'm literally speechless...
I want to do something like this now :D
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The Back looks very well.
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if you could do the same thing with SA2, you get an author fav!
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#6, I'm considering it. ;D
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Wow the Americans got an epic back for theirs... this is perfect dude.. litteraly perfect. SA1 is still one of my favourite games, no matter how much I suck at it!
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How the fuck did you do that with Sonic?
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A very faithful recreation of the SA box. As SD said before, the right hand of Sonic on the front is hard to discern with the brightness. However, this box is quite nice. In fact, it is near perfection, other than the brightness on the right hand.
All in all, a near perfect box. I definitely want to see a recreation of SA2, if you would ever get around to it.
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Thanks guys.
Sd, Lestat, I definitely agree. Thew hand was one of the few things I had trouble with. I did some work on it, though, it was alot worse.
I also agree on what you said about the back, Sd. But.. yeah.. it took me forever just to find that font. \: I couldn't find anything better.
@Strike: You noticed, did you? ;D
Yeah, that was comprised of several different pieces of artwork. Same deal with the Sonic on the back.
Anyway, thanks. And yeah, I'm thinking about eventually trying SA2. Though I can't promise anything.
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#12, Damn, that's beast!
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#13, inorite?
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I would mind seeing more original sonic boxes remade with HD renders. Excellent work man! I do agree that you should work on a SA2 box, it would look epic.
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At first is was like "meh", but then i took a closer look at it and was quite surprised. Good work, an interesting remake.
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the most part i like it. But the logo kinda throws me a tad.
And if only you could get HD screens, I know that's not your fault.
(but if I recall correctly, your Super Mario World Wii box did have HD screens)
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Like the picture boxes on the back.
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This is fantastic!
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Alright That's pretty good XP. I like it, but I can't fav it again...
Neerly perfect my friend.
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So good.
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where do you find the artwork of gamma?
that´s the best boxart I saw in years!!
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#25, I made it from Omega's Sonic '06 artwork.
Thanks :)
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y u no hall?
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Pretty neat idea. I'm not a fan of the back due to the fact of Sonic 'standing' in the air and those screen borders don't attract my attention. The quality of the material is high which is always a plus.
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Clever! The idea is smart and the execution is top-notch! the only issue is that sonic's hand is hard to see. Btw, could you send me background of the front?
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This box is awesome! And I loled at the "Maybe 10 years ago" XD
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Nice Job Bro . . .
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Atta boy! Next up, my SA2 box haha
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Ilove Front . God
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It's about fucking time.
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About fucking time this got hall
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