Okami box based on the old Japanese art style Ukiyo-e.
No logos so you can use it on Wii or PS2 version. IF enought people want, I might convert this to PS3 dimensions so they can use with Okami HD. Check it om my deviantART for the "regular" version: link
Okami Box Cover Comments
Comment on Element's Okami Box Art / Cover.
Looks great...good interpretation of Ukiyo-e style, youre missing some of the bold, smooth, contoured lines that really define the style. But that's not really important - what you have achieved here is awesome and custom artwork always looks great.
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Yeah, it's really hard to simulate brushwork in PS. I spent a day trying to make the brush I used the write stuff down look like a Japanese calligraphy brush.
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@Element Illustrator is great for Ukiyo-e style art, primarily replication of Hokusai's work. Not a bad rap here though. Nice work!
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I love your Ukiyo-e style..!!
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