Hi, I'm a young designer student looking for a career in box cover design. Please like and comment.
I took inspiration from this alternative poster link . The presentation PSD template is downloadable
Gravity Box Cover Comments
Comment on Mainline Design's Gravity Box Art / Cover.
Really original !
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Very interesting design, a little bit too simple but still nice. Would have been cool if you could've incorporated more space style/ themes into this similar to your inspiration.
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I really like how simple it is and the fact you alternated from using black and white directly and instead chose a palette a little more off in terms of shade. It creates a much more refined elegance. Examing the box closely, I was looking at your leading and such, which is good, though personal choice wise, I'm not sure how I feel about the breakdown of the summary on the back. It's not terrible, but it seems out of place compared to the rest of the box (where you ended that period drives me a little batty. I love that you think of the way things align, but sometimes you cannot solely rely on the alignment of the ruling and rather have to more so rely on the visual lining created from your eye). I think it has to do with the fact a lot of the little sections you have with text has more play when it comes to their heirarchy, but that just stand still.
Anyway, welcome to the site. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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Nice, nice. Add printable
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Great stuff man
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This is gold!
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