game PC » Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Box Cover
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Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse box art cover
By avatar FrankBedbroken 46 on December 9th, 2014
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New box!

I was in the mood to make another box for an adventure game, so I went with the latest adventure game I played, Broken Sword 5. It was released this year, and it's actually a pretty cool game that you should definitely check out, only downside is that it's divided in two parts, but well.

Anyway, as always, constructive criticism is welcome and huge thanks to TheTombRaider, Carlj1497, lucidhalos, skypilot and aldimon for the help and feedback on the forums, it's very appreciated.

Hope you guys like it! :)

[ Box updated on December 10th, 2014 ] [ original ]

comments Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Box Cover Comments

Comment on FrankBedbroken's Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Box Art / Cover.

aldimon 22 [ 9 years ago ]

hi frank

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

hey jakob

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aldimon 22 [ 9 years ago ]

nice box. how are you

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

@aldimon thanks, dude. i've being doing fairly nice, how bout you

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aldimon 22 [ 9 years ago ]

i'm good, enjoying my life and all these great box arts

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Great work man, the back looks a bit text heavy... But I think it may look better just a bit more split up. Maybe a sub heading or something? The same style as the heading. Or a Celtic pattern to break up the text a little bit...

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Vince! Yeah, it does look kinda text heavy, I made an update on the back based on your suggestions, how does it look? link

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

@FrankBedbroken looks great brother. Makes a difference

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I also really like that update, good job

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Great as always :)

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Nathan! :D

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

A part of me dies when I see tacky screen borders ruin good boxes.

what's wrong with just a gold outline?

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I just wanted some connection with the front. I mean, I don't find it that bad, if many people complain about it I'll change it for the next update.

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Also, thanks for the comment. :)

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

@FrankBedbroken i just dislike how the borders are the main focus of the screenshots, instead of complimenting them.

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

@spypilot I'm not from my computer right now, when I get to it
, I'll try to fix it in a way that hopefully will look better. Thanks for the feedback! :)

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Carlj1497 44 [ 9 years ago ]

Nice job man, came out great. These games any good?

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Carl! Yeah, they are damn good, it's probably one of the most well known sagas of adventure games. If you like adventure games, you should definitely check it out. :D

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Ok, it's been updated! Hopefully it's to your liking and thanks to spypilot and Vince1990 for the feedback which led to this update. :)

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

im not forcing you to update anything, but have you tried to see what it looks like with thin, rectangular borders? i think it would look much nicer.

In the bottom left hand corner of the back you could put a render of a character or something when the borders are square.

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Warsony 43 [ 9 years ago ]

Nice bro ;)

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Warsony! :)

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shirazihaa 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Hey Frank , Very Nice Dude ;)

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Amin! I appreciate it! :D

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Great update

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks for the feedback, dude! :)

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Oddmania 40 [ 9 years ago ]


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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Oddmania! :D

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matingsm 50 [ 9 years ago ]

This cover is really good and i like it . . .

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Matin! :)

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nothing94 35 [ 9 years ago ]

It is very neatly designed, it has a very official look ;) well done!

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks, Anna! :D It's very appreciated!

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alldreamsfalldown 49 [ 6 years ago ]

I approve.

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks, ADFD! :D

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