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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice box art cover
By avatar Vince_1990 47 on April 22nd, 2015
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Hey everyone, been a few weeks since my last post. I have decided to take a break from my Arkham Villian collection.

I cant wait for this movie, the trailer is awesome. This is my first movie case. I found it quite hard, but I think it came out ok. There are some parts that could be better, but without many resources and no information about the movies plot, I think its fine as it is.

Hope you all like it, thanks for checking out my case. Let me know what you think.

comments Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Box Cover Comments

Comment on Vince_1990's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Box Art / Cover.

FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I quite like this, it works well as a combination between both heroes styles, even though Batman's dark color scheme predominates the whole box, yet it feels very fitting to the new Superman. Great job, Vince! :D

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks a lot Frank! The main reason for the design focusing on Batman or is more dark is because batman has more resources online.

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AnaRchyxV2x 32 [ 9 years ago ]

Looks like shit. I dislike it 10x. It came together like shit. This looks like SHIT. this is literally SHIT. wtf. itsoppositeday. THIS I SO FUCKING STUPID AND BAD AND PUKE. This looks like someone chewed it up and threw it up and ate it again and then took a big dump on it and ate that as well. GOOD JOB AT DOING A TERRIBLE JOB!

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]



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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

@AnaRchyxV2x hahaha thanks man, you do make me laugh. Think I found a pic of you though Jared...


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AlternationHD 33 [ 9 years ago ]

@Vince_1990 XD

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kacboy 32 [ 9 years ago ]

Pretty good considering the resources, the small WW on the front should be behind Batman (perspective feels trippy) or have some of the lense flair to balance her in more.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks dude, she is meant to be. Might have a quick play to make it more obvious

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AnaRchyxV2x 32 [ 9 years ago ]

@Vince_1990 Those are definitely my pants now lol

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

@AnaRchyxV2x Lol good one

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AnaRchyxV2x 32 [ 9 years ago ]

@Vince_1990 definitely replied to the wrong comment.

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ferco212 1 [ 8 years ago ]

Como descargo?

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Monetman1 36 [ 9 years ago ]

Nice man, the movie is going to awesome!

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks man :)

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ferco212 1 [ 8 years ago ]

Como descargo?

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HyperBoy Prime 36 [ 9 years ago ]

Great box man I love it! Especially the back it seems so good and so simple at the same time. My only two problems are that the logo's lighting seems off even though it is in the right positioning I don't know why. Also the glowing dc logo seems about of place. Overall tho it doesn't take away from the whole box. Good Job!

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks for the feedback man :) I really liked the glowing DC logo. But I guess everyones opionion is different. Thanks again

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Looking good. The front has a nice, quiet feeling about it, but it also represents an epic battle. I really like that.
I'm not as big a fan of the back however, but the reason behind this doesn't actually fault the design. Firstly, to me it feels like the front and back are different cases. The back is missing that sort of light pink-ish/red colour tone on the front. Also, and this is just a personal problem, I feel like the structure is a little too similar to your cat woman box. This is also because you re-use that same font quite a lot.

Sorry if I sound a little harsh, it's just my personal opinion. Otherwise, good job, Vince! ;)

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

No worries man, thanks :)

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AlternationHD 33 [ 9 years ago ]

Looks amazing, the text on the back is a bit hard to read but with the dark color scheme you did a great job! :D

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks a lot bro :)

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matingsm 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Great job vincent . . .

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks Matin :)

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Mohit 43 [ 9 years ago ]

Love it

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks dude

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amia 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Now I see , that's great , :")

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks dude!

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ferco212 1 [ 8 years ago ]

Como descargo?

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

Sorry what do you mean?

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

@Vince_1990 He just wants to know how to download it.

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Thegamer 37 [ 6 years ago ]

Congrats Bro.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks dude,

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saeid 26 [ 6 years ago ]

Congrats Vince.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks a lot man

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Venom 41 [ 6 years ago ]

Ayy congrats Vince. Kinda depressing knowing the potential this film had...

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks man. I really liked this film... The extended version anyway

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Fantastic man, another Hof to add to the collection. Well done.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

Why thanks dude

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