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Man of Steel box art cover
By avatar edward91 45 on April 30th, 2015
print No Printable Available

Hey Guys
This is my 7th box and second box of movie
i want to share my this box experience for all of you

[ Box updated on March 31st, 2016 ] [ original ]

comments Man of Steel Box Cover Comments

Comment on edward91's Man of Steel Box Art / Cover.

jedi master adi 34 [ 9 years ago ]

Very nice, Good use of the blue and reds :)

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edward91 45 [ 9 years ago ]


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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

This is quite nice, I personally think its better than your "300" box. However there are some bits you could improve on. The main issue for me is the font for the quotes on the back doesnt fit Man of Steel. Also the 2 quotes on left and right side of the back, they dont make sense...

Secondly I think you may have distorted some of the screenshots, always hold shift to keep things in proportion when changing their size, this goes for renders, logos, text, pictures, screenshots.

Apart form those little bits this is pretty good, I really like the colour scheme.

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]

-And the front is awesome-

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AnaRchyxV2x 32 [ 9 years ago ]

Look at Vince being a negative and shit. I would agree about the screenshots being distorted. I can't stand that haha. People know they are distorted but do it ridiculously. Probably wasn't your intention but yes hold shift when scaling and they'll be proportionate. And another thing, the screenshot behind superman is pointless.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

@AnaRchyxV2x negative Nancy over here :)

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edward91 45 [ 9 years ago ]

thanks guys

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jevangod 50 [ 9 years ago ]

I'm surprised no one has pointed out the tagline on the back, "For SAME he's a guardian angel".

I'd work on the resolution. I dont know if its the artwork you found but it would look so much better in High res. The front is great, no real complaints, except, maybe add a drop shadow to the actors names.

The back could be better organized. Superman seems a bit unnecessary in that spot. The font choice isn't very good. I'd suggest using the same font as the logo. GOTHAM FONT. Overall, not bad. I'd upload to the critique section in the forum and ask for some help first or PM me and I'll give you some critique on the box.

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edward91 45 [ 9 years ago ]

thanks ok

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DARK SPARK 44 [ 9 years ago ]

Nice Color scheme

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edward91 45 [ 9 years ago ]


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Moebius 39 [ 9 years ago ]

Don't like the font on the quotes, the transparency seems random. Everything else is nice.

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edward91 45 [ 9 years ago ]


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nickster6490 3 [ 9 years ago ]

The front is godlike. The back is godlike. The only thing i'd change is the font for the quotes on the back.

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edward91 45 [ 9 years ago ]

thanks man for feedback

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Mohit 43 [ 7 years ago ]

Congrats friend

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Grêjwòskí 1 [ 7 years ago ]

Can you please give printable

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