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The Badass V box art cover
By avatar Ulquiorra 50 on July 28th, 2015
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Oh dammit, AGAIN a Badass box? Yes again.
It’s been a long time I didn’t work on a box with someone else, and this time I wanted to do it with the Badass (which is kinda personal and I wanted to see what I would look like if someone else would work on it). So I did this collab’ with TheTombRaider and it was really cool! IMO, he did a great job.
So he did the back, I did the front (you may have already seen it on the WIP section).
As always, I hope you’ll enjoy it and don’t hesitate to leave a com’ or a criticism.
-I added a tag if you didn’t/want to see the previous Badass boxes-

comments The Badass V Box Cover Comments

Comment on Ulquiorra's The Badass V Box Art / Cover.

TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Looks awesome all put together, it was really great to work with you man! (Thanks for putting up with me not working on it for weeks, haha). I can't actually see it unless I view it in full, but I know it looks great. Hope we can do another collab sometime in the future :)

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Ah? The box is fully uploaded now!
Anyway, I'm really gladd I've could work with, and I'd be happy to work on another boxes with you in the future ;)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I won't bother replying to every comment to say Thank You as I didn't upload the box, so I'll just say it here in advance. So, thanks guys! ;)

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halex 42 [ 9 years ago ]

Really awesome

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]


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Paper 41 [ 9 years ago ]

Great job guys, really nicely done the front and the back complement each other very nicely I love the muted bronze colour scheme, it's quite unusual but works very well, awesome job!

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks for the kind words! :D

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Love it, the whole collection is great!

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks a lot, glad you like it^^

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FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Yay! Another one! I really dig these crossover boxes you do most of the time, especially this series of yours, and much like the other one's, this is fantastic. My only gripe (and it's very minor, mind you) its that I think the quotes on the back should be in the same angle as the features text. Aside from that, great job you too. :D

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Yeah I thought about doing that whilst making the back, I suppose putting all the bottom text on the same angle would have made sense. Thanks Frank :D

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]

I'm really happy to read this! To be honnest, I'm always kinda scared that I'm the only one who is really in fond of crossover boxes and others just find it borring when I submit one^^

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