game Nintendo 3DS » Metroid Prime Trilogy 3D Box Cover
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Metroid Prime Trilogy 3D box art cover
By avatar ncocs 34 on October 2nd, 2015

If Xenoblade can be ported to the new 3DS, I see no reason why the Prime trilogy can't be ported, too (although I know it's a stretch to port the entire trilogy onto one cartridge lmao)!

First box in...six years, I think? Very different from previous ones, obviously xD I whipped it up in about 5 hours, and I'm actually relatively proud of it! The extra boxes on the outside are a slip cover for the actual case, but i suck at perspective warp so they're likely not entirely correctly proportioned, but that's fine lmao. the logo is custom made~

i'm really trying to get back into this and since I had such a fun time making this one, that'll likely happen. (:

note: added a printable and fixed ESRB errors

[ Box updated on October 2nd, 2015 ] [ original ]

comments Metroid Prime Trilogy 3D Box Cover Comments

Comment on ncocs's Metroid Prime Trilogy 3D Box Art / Cover.

Max Payne 3 31 [ 8 years ago ]

not bad

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Monetman1 36 [ 8 years ago ]

Wow! Huge improvement from your boxes all those years ago. Obviously there has been a bit of practice from then and now.

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ncocs 34 [ 8 years ago ]

oh most definitely xD i was 11 or 12 back then, and had discovered photoshop 7 and GIMP and was like oooooooh shit i'm gonna do this, but then as i got older it became more of something I wanna do for a living and now i'm in university majoring in graphic design~ i got an early start with all of this haha

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Monetman1 36 [ 8 years ago ]

Cool, nice man.

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alerkina4the6th 1 [ 8 years ago ]


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Paper 41 [ 8 years ago ]

wow this is dope, i feel like the back could of done with a description i'm not a huge fan of all the empty space you have going there, front and slip covers are awesome. welcome back =)

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

I have to agree with paps here. I still really love the overall design, well done. Welcome back too!

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ncocs 34 [ 8 years ago ]

yeah you're probably right lmao. I just kinda ran out of space by that point and left it how it is now xD

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lucidhalos 43 [ 8 years ago ]

This is really fantastic. I especially love the colors.

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Higashi89 48 [ 8 years ago ]

Very good my dude, very good

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ncocs 34 [ 8 years ago ]

(you just pushed me into the hall of fame so thanks x2 !!)

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ncocs 34 [ 8 years ago ]

holy shit hall of fame

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