game PC » Limbo Box Cover
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Limbo box cover
By avatar Sxerks3 1 on November 10th, 2015
print No Printable Available

This was a boxart I did a while ago. It's not the greatest, but whatever.

comments Limbo Box Cover Comments

Comment on Sxerks3's Limbo Box Art / Cover.

Sxerks3 1 [ 8 years ago ]

Btw, the back was inspired from a boxart already uploaded on the site. The blurb's similar, if not the same. Credits to them.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

Not bad for your first finished case. I would say all the wii utemplate icons and logos etc look a bit big. Maybe its squashed or something... I would try and find a different Wii u template to use.

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Sxerks3 1 [ 8 years ago ]

Thanks, will take those into consideration.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

@Sxerks3 Also why dont you try making a 3d case. like these..


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Sxerks3 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Vince_1990 Hm, might try those. Thanks for the suggestions.

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