game PlayStation 3 » Resistance: Fall of Man Box Cover
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Resistance: Fall of Man box art cover
By avatar Raentyr 7 on June 28th, 2012

Custom work on the original Resistance: Fall of Man box art. I based it around the Resistance 2: Collector's Edition box art for the front, and I just utilized my imagination for the back and spine.

Credits to Beardedwalrus for his PS3 Template, as well as Sens and Deiviuxs for their 3D PS3 Template.
Thanks to the following deviants from deviantART for their contributions and permissions to use their work as backdrops for the overall creation of this boxart: Wes Louie (weslouie), David Eglinton (jonny-rawkus), and darkrose42.
A big shoutout to all of the community that pitched in their ideas and critiques, as well as the warm welcoming to the forums: stevencho, ZombieDeadpool8, Mattstar, Deathmania, and BacKin5Minutes.
Thanks for the views to all of you who are reading this.


~ Raentyr

comments Resistance: Fall of Man Box Cover Comments

Comment on Raentyr's Resistance: Fall of Man Box Art / Cover.

Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Nice one ;) I like the idea of bringing the concept of a cover and apply the same theme on another title out of the series. You've managed to bring the same feel what in my opinion made the RE2 cover so strong.

The back is really nice too. It has no real eye-catcher (like for example a catchy tagline or some interesting colors) as the front does have, but it brings a solid layout and a good use of typography to make up for that. Great job for a first, I'm definitely going to follow your progress in the future, you've got lots of potential ;)

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Raentyr 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thank you for the great analysis on this, as well as your praise. I'm honored to be here and to have you following me.

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MattStar 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Really stellar work, considering it's your first. I'm looking forward to more great box arts from you. Welcome to VGBA.

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Raentyr 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to posting more on here as well.

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aelixus 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

The design is really good, I just don't like the effect you're using on the front.

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Raentyr 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

Which effect is that?

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BacKin5Minutes 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Sweet man!

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