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50 Shades Trilogy box art cover
By avatar Rarity 38 on January 18th, 2013
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Yeah a little side project of mine that came to mind entering some HSB numbers for a poster I was making for a bird.

So on the boxes:
- 50 shades of grey has 50 shades of grey on it, I started in the left-hand bottom corner with 99% brightness and decreased 2% brightness with every square, I made sure to use vectorized shapes so I was sure not a 51nd shade of grey would pop up between them, even the title isn't black, it's 3% brightness grey :)

- 50 shades darker, I simply put a HSB adjustment layer on the box of the first one and I decreased lightness by 50 (somehow that number kept coming up whilest working on this box)

- 50 shades freed, a gradient adjustment with a lot of colours. The colours representing being free here. The gradient adjustment, on an opacity of................................ yes 50%.

Tbfh, I don't know if the covers match the actual content of the books or the series as I haven't read them and don't intent to do so. I dare to say the covers at least match the titles though.

As always: lemme know what you think guys!

comments 50 Shades Trilogy Cover Comments

Comment on Rarity's 50 Shades Trilogy Cover.

Ergo 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

Horrible series, "I see what you did there" covers.


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Rarity 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

You didn't actually read them did you?

And thanks for pointing out the spelling mistake I made on the title, had to repost anyways since the broken image bug so made sure I typed it right this time :)

Cheers for the fav!

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Ergo 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

I read one page, online, and it was a comparison between the first book and a Twilight FF. It was utter shit.


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Ergo 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

Also, those kinds of novels aren't my kind of thing.

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roza 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

@Ergo It IS a Twilight Fan Fiction.

I tried to read it but it only happened in Gilbert Godfried's voice.

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Ergo 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

@roza That's why I looked it up.

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Rarity 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

@Ergo They made David Sedaris rework a few pages on local telly over here.. Think he was the one who made it funny.. The only ones I know who read this are my sister and some female co-students, who now immediately start to smile when I say I have to buy something at the hardware store..........

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Unknown Flames 33 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Rarity 38 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Martiniii332 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

I really like the composition. The idea, as well. Good job, man.

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aldimon 22 [ 9 years ago ]

The idea is fantastic.

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