game Xbox 360 » Deadpool - The Game Box Cover
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Deadpool - The Game box art cover
By avatar goldfishtiger 17 on April 20th, 2018

comments Deadpool - The Game Box Cover Comments

Comment on goldfishtiger's Deadpool - The Game Box Art / Cover.

Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

Where's the design?

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger I looks unfinished. It's just a logo with a black background. There's no information on the back, either.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger I would suggest uploading unfinished designs on the WIP forum. link Though, if you think this is finished, I will stand by my statement, that it looks unfinished, even if it is your first.

For sake of convenience, though, I will try to give some criticism here. I think, for starters, you need some character renders on the front, and a background. The back layout is a good start, though, I think it needs more information of the game. Check any game on your shelf, and you will know what I mean.

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kweanfdyefdn 1 [ 6 years ago ]

@Sonic the Hedgehog please post printable

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

please Printable ??

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kweanfdyefdn 1 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger good job, i needprintable

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spypilot 43 [ 6 years ago ]


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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

I actually lol'd

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

I'd definitely buy this if I saw it on the shelf.... What Sonic said though

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kweanfdyefdn 1 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger yre

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kweanfdyefdn 1 [ 6 years ago ]


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3JEDQ7KY0W 1 [ 6 years ago ]

cool shit my dude

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