game Xbox 360 » Deadpool - The Game Box Cover
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Deadpool - The Game box art cover
By avatar goldfishtiger 17 on April 22nd, 2018

[ Box updated on May 4th, 2018 ] [ original ]

comments Deadpool - The Game Box Cover Comments

Comment on goldfishtiger's Deadpool - The Game Box Art / Cover.

Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

It's an improvement. The front look good, now. I've never been a fan of a pure black background, but it works in this context. The back is better, though, if you add more screenshots, some character renders, etc. it could be a little more interesting. Just keep trying new things, and if you're stuck try finding inspiration from other covers. I'm glad you took my advice!

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger what sonic said again. I'd recommend having a look at games you own or some of the following users on here. Paper, Frankbedbroken, venom, Iman pro, shrazihaa, matingsm, julrouu, lucidhalos, fergana16, martiniii332, monetman1... Many more. Sorry if I left anyone out these were off the top of my mind.

Take inspiration about how everything is shown, like backgrounds, character renders, screenshots and a structure when it comes to the back. Text would normally have like a heading, then the main body copy or subheading and body copy. Depending on the game you could put dlc details etc on the back too.

To find images to use, I'd go on Google and search for whatever game you want wallpapers or artwork etc... You can then use the settings to find the best quality versions of that image, the higher resolution the better.

You will be able to find logos for the game and developers and stuff on Google too and use that for the spine/front/back.

On vgba most of the cases we make are custom so don't have the middle of the case, I guess you mean spine. We put it all together ourselfs from a load of different resources we find online. So it's just work to get it to look how you want.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger well it's an improvement from your previous case but check out these link link link compare the detail compared to yours. I don't want that to sound harsh. People have to start somewhere and everything takes time to improve, just keep at it and you will see improvements.

Something that helped me with case designing was asking myself a question on every one of my designs. That is, if I saw my design on a shelf in a shop would it make me want to buy the game.

Hope that helps

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger I don't understand what you mean when you say "the middle of the cover". Are you referring to the spine?

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger That depends on the template you are using. In the resource section, I'm sure you could find one with a spine.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger I don't know what any of that means

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Sonic the Hedgehog 40 [ 6 years ago ]

@goldfishtiger Ah, well, I don't have an Xbox. Just use the same as the logo you use on the front dude. Just rotate it.

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mania-man-smileyface 1 [ 6 years ago ]

ape goes crazy...... ape shit..... housr

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iBl4ck0ppz 1 [ 6 years ago ]

A antihero that breaks the fourth wall a lot, how accurate lol

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